
Can't find the information you are looking for?

Contact Jayne directly, she will answer all of your questions and help you select the right course for you.

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    Frequently asked questions

    Are your courses credited?

    GXT actively offer CIMSPA credits for Freestyle Fitness Yoga & Barre Fitness. Our awarding body is Focus awards where all qualifications are backed by OFQUAL and most offer CIMSPA credits.

    Do I have to book online?

    We can take payments over the phone but only for the full amount. Part payments are set up online. All terms and conditions must be agreed to before we take a phone payment.

    How does the part payment work?

    Select the part payment option on some of our qualifications and the cost splits into equal payments taken automatically on the same date each month (no interest added)

    I can’t see the booking options?

    Please try another browser, we advise chrome or firefox

    What happens if I stop paying my part payments half way through?

    We request that payment is made immediately as per our terms and conditions, if this is not forthcoming we hand over to a third party collector.

    I worry that the online booking is impersonal and it could be a scam!

    Jayne (owner/director of GXT) is both visible and contactable via this site and via all social media. Please touch base if you are not sure.